Frequently Asked Questions
Browse the catalog and request the item(s) that you need for your research. If the item you placed on hold is currently checked out, it will be routed to the next patron in line once returned. Hold requests are filled Monday-Friday from 9:00am-4:00pm. Requests are available for pick up the same day, or the next day if placed after 4:00pm. You will be notified via email when your item(s) are ready for pick up. Once you are notified by email that your item(s) are available for pick up, you can visit the circulation desk, where you will check out your hold(s).
Holds will be removed from the shelf after 10 days.
Our books are shelved according to the Library of Congress Subject Headings. Letters A and B are located on the lower level, C-N on the second floor, and P-Z on the third floor. The Reference section is located on the main floor.
Subscribed databases, e-books, and e-journals require a University Network Account for use in the university's computer centers, for remote access, or for off-campus access.
Questions regarding student accounts should be directed to the IT Department. Location: Gorman G - Email: support@trhcn.com
There are seven computers located near the Reference Help Desk, on the first floor of the Library.
There are 20 computers available in the Blakley Research and Information Center (BRIC). These computers are limited to current students, faculty, and staff of the University of Dallas. A network account is required for accessing the computers in the BRIC.
All of the computers located near the Reference Help Desk on the first floor of the Library are connected to a printer at the Circulation Desk. Printed copies are 10 cents per page (no cards), and payable at the Circulation Desk. When printing from the Blakley Research and Information Center (BRIC) make sure the printer selection is set at Front Desk.
The library does not provide writing support; however, find information for the Writing Lab as well as citation and style guides here.
The University Archive Office, headed by Susannah Bingham-Buck, is located separately from the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library, in an office in the back of the Blakley Building, facing the Haggerty Arts Village.